American Community Fund
Food Pantry
It is our privilege to financially support and work side by side with Church of the Living Word, Victory Ministries and Redeemers on Courtright Church in providing food for over 200 families at Christmas season.
Every distribution event is accompanied by delivering the life changing Gospel message and an invitation to make a commitment to Christ.
Everyone deserves to be warm and protected from the winter elements. Cold weather is something we all have faced before as children; either playing outside at recess or waiting on a school bus. As we all know it is uncomfortable and can cause illness. Maybe you knew someone growing up who had insufficient outerwear. You may have seen someone who lives on your street, next door, at your child’s school who didn’t have protective outerwear.
We financially support coats4childrn in giving brand new coats only to places of worship, schools, special events, and proven needy families. These settings work well and the parents are invited to pick up their child’s new coat. The mission is to give protection from the elements for children when they face the Ohio wind chill factors going to school and play. We believe this is in harmony with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ.
American Community Fund financially supports The Gideons International in their distribution of Bibles and New Testaments around the world, because having God's Word can and does lead people to faith in Christ, and those new Christians then grow by studying their Scriptures and even use them to share their faith with others.
The Gideons focus on distributing complete Bibles or New Testaments. These copies of God's Word are printed in more than 90 languages and are either given directly to certain individuals or placed in selected public locations where large numbers of people, who may be searching for answers, will have the ability to encounter the Word of God.
Distributing complete copies of God's Word also . . .
Plants powerful seeds that God can use in His timing. (I Corinthians 3:6)
Allows people to read the truth for themselves. (John 8:32)
Provides a continuing witness when the Gideon is no longer present. (Hebrews 4:12)
Makes it easier for the people we reach to, in turn, reach others with the truth about Jesus. (II Timothy 2:2)
Makes it possible for new Christians to learn and grow through personal Bible study.
(II Timothy 2:15)
American Community Fund
8405 Pulsar Place, Suite 157
Columbus, Ohio 43240
(614) 468-0198